Need a clever strategy to grow your arms bigger.
Do chinups instead of curls. Adding a little weight to your body for this bodyweight classic will actually make your arms do more work in less time-we've done the math for you here. For a bigger challenge to your biceps, wrap a towel around the bar.
If you're going to curl, change your form: Bring your elbows in for maximum benefit, and mix in these three variations on the classic exercise to boost your gains.
Work your back. Most back exercises recruit your biceps and challenge the fibers in different ways than curls do. This exercise lengthens the support mechanism of the upper spine so you can handle greater loads when you return to curling.
Show off the upper arms you've got-and the cephalic vein, which runs over your biceps-by cutting fat: Try this variation on a clean and press to pump your guns while you boost your heart rate and blast fat.
Do chinups instead of curls. Adding a little weight to your body for this bodyweight classic will actually make your arms do more work in less time-we've done the math for you here. For a bigger challenge to your biceps, wrap a towel around the bar.
If you're going to curl, change your form: Bring your elbows in for maximum benefit, and mix in these three variations on the classic exercise to boost your gains.
Work your back. Most back exercises recruit your biceps and challenge the fibers in different ways than curls do. This exercise lengthens the support mechanism of the upper spine so you can handle greater loads when you return to curling.
Show off the upper arms you've got-and the cephalic vein, which runs over your biceps-by cutting fat: Try this variation on a clean and press to pump your guns while you boost your heart rate and blast fat.
source: men's health